Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Koledzy mam lekkie zacięcia obrazu tuner BSKA płyta BB30 mam wymienione kondensatory oraz podłaczona zworke do zasilania dysku, instalacja antenowa jest 100% spawana, u-boot 384mhz, czytałem że z tymi płytami jest jakiś problem miał ktoś może podobne zacinki obrazu? Testowałem ustawienia 1080p 25 Hz sytuacja trochę sie poprawiła ale występuje na ułamek sekundy stopklatka Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Nagraj jak wyglądają te zacięcia. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 To wygląda jak stopklatka na ułamek sekundy na kanałach HD częściej na SD rzadziej. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Czy przy okazji masz lekkie pixlnięcie? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Dokładnie tak lekka pixeloza wystepuje na ustawieniu 1080p 25 HZ jest mniej widoczna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skubi Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Spróbuj ustawień 1080i 50Hz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Jeżeli nie jest to wina źle ustawionych parametrów obrazu to stawiam na RAM. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest j00zek Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Jeżeli nie jest to wina źle ustawionych parametrów obrazu to stawiam na RAM. Jak ram nie wyrabia, to może underclocking pomoże... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Generalnie to jest jakiś problem z tym tunerem wszystko trzeba wgrywać po dwa razy sytem też za którymś razem zaskoczył, aha na IPTV jak odtwarzam jakiś film to zacięć nie ma. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 16, 2014 Share Posted September 16, 2014 Nie chodzi o taktowanie a o błędy CRC. Miałem już dwa takie boxy. Niby wszystko działało ale softy weszły albo i nie, jak działały to pixelowały itp. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 To powiedz jak sprawdzić ile błedów CRC mam i co jeszcze można popróbować dla poprawy sytuacji?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 Przelutuj pamięć. Na już nie znam metody :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 Chodzi o tą pamieć ? "RAM firmy PSC bądź hynix. 2 sztuki A3S12D40ETP (lub HY5DU121622CTP) po 512Mb DDR , w sumie 1Gbit 2 sztuki A2S56D40CTP PO 256Mb DDR, W SUMIE 512Mbit, " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest future0 Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 U mnie podobnie, na kanałach filmowych canal+, takie półsekundowe zmrożenia obrazu, widoczne co kilkadziesiąt sekund. Ale już się przyzwyczaiłem. tylko że ja mam BA20 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 A czy przypadkiem nie dotyczy to kanalow dawnej C+ ale juz w Conax? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest future0 Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 Seca czy conax, to samo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 Nie rozumiem → pixeluje na obu? W sensie np. Planete+ HD z SECA i z Conax? Czy nie ma różnicy czym dekodujesz bo tak i już? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest future0 Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 Mi np. nie pikseluje, tylko jest tak jakby półsekundowe spowolnienie obrazu, zauważyłem to na kanałach canal+ film, film2 oraz c+ family i family 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 17, 2014 Share Posted September 17, 2014 @future0 U mnie ten efekt występował na karcie Conax. Na SECA jest OK. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 19, 2014 Share Posted September 19, 2014 U mnie wystepuje ten problem na SECA sprawdzałem kilka softów oraz różne wersje oscama i zawsze jest to samo także przypuszczam że jest to problem z pamiecią lub procek. Czy są jakieś komendy żeby przetestowac pamięć RAM w nBoxie? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AbrahaM Posted September 19, 2014 Share Posted September 19, 2014 U mnie wystepuje ten problem na SECA sprawdzałem kilka softów oraz różne wersje oscama i zawsze jest to samo także przypuszczam że jest to problem z pamiecią lub procek. Czy są jakieś komendy żeby przetestowac pamięć RAM w nBoxie? Zanim zaczniesz rozbebeszać odbiornik, upewnij się że to nie wina karty (sprawdzając ją u kogoś), rzadko to jest przyczyną, ale się zdarza. Jeden taki przypadek mieliśmy na forum. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 22, 2014 Share Posted September 22, 2014 Karta jest na pewno OK, mam kolejny problem z tą płytą nie działają przyciski na panelu przednim ( sprawdzałe na innym panelu i jet to samo ) Na razie zainstalowałem plugin clearmem i jakby jest trochę lepiej zacinki występuja rzadziej. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tux Posted September 22, 2014 Share Posted September 22, 2014 opkg install --force-reinstall dev-gos Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted September 22, 2014 Share Posted September 22, 2014 opkg install --force-reinstall dev-gos Dzieki Tux przyciski działają :-[ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dogberry_33 Posted October 1, 2014 Share Posted October 1, 2014 Sprawę z zacięciami obrazu rozwiązałem przez wymianę radiatora na procesorze dla pewności dodałem jeszcze wentylator podpiety pod 5V, radiator z procesora założyłem na scalak na głowicy. Mogę stwierdzić że nie ma zacięć ani pixelozy na ekranie. Mam jeszcze pytanie po wejściu w listę radiową mam GS: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <openpli> <enigma2> <crashdate>pon wrz 29 15:34:50 2014</crashdate> <compiledate>Aug 7 2014</compiledate> <contactemail>somebody who cares</contactemail> <!-- Please email this crashlog to above address --> <skin>./skin.xml</skin> <sourcedate>2014-08-06</sourcedate> <branch>trunk</branch> <rev>55d2031</rev> <version>3.0.0</version> </enigma2> <image> <stbmodel>nbox</stbmodel> <kernelversion> <![CDATA[ Linux GraterliaOS #21 PREEMPT Sat Apr 13 12:47:21 CEST 2013 sh4 GNU/Linux ]]> </kernelversion> <kernelcmdline>console=ttyAS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock0 rw rootfstype=jffs2 mem=128m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@0x10400000 nwhwconf=device:eth0,hwaddr:00:01:02:03:04:05 init=/bin/devinit</kernelcmdline> <nimsockets>NIM Socket 0:</nimsockets> <imageversion> <!-- No such file or directory --> </imageversion> <imageissue> <!-- No such file or directory --> </imageissue> </image> <software> <enigma2software> <![CDATA[ enigma2 - 2014-08-07-git-3 enigma2-data - 2014-08-07-git-1 enigma2-default-fonts - 0.2.0 enigma2-keymaps - 2014-08-07-git-1 enigma2-langpack - 2014-08-20-git enigma2-libs-metapack - 1.0.4 enigma2-plugin-dreamexplorer - 0.2.1 enigma2-plugin-fastsearch - 0.2.2 enigma2-plugin-openwebif - 0.2.9 enigma2-plugins-default - 2014-08-07-git-2 enigma2-skin-default - 2014-08-11-tux-1 ]]> </enigma2software> <dreamboxsoftware> <![CDATA[ ]]> </dreamboxsoftware> <gstreamersoftware> <![CDATA[ gst-plugins-bad-free-gos - 0.10.23-11 gst-plugins-base-gos - 0.10.36-28 gst-plugins-good-gos - 0.10.31-1 gstreamer-gos - 0.10.36-1 ]]> </gstreamersoftware> </software> <crashlogs> <enigma2crashlog> <![CDATA[ ading [EPGC] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading [EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading [EPGC] nownext finished(1411976316) [EPGC] schedule finished(1411976403) [EPGC] stop caching events(1411976403) [EPGC] next update in 60 min action -> InfobarActions toogleTvRadio sAudioPID 100 sVideoPID 165 tv->radio False False False False action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions showFavourites False True [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/local/share/enigma2/skin_default/bouquet.png False True [ePNG] couldn't open /usr/local/share/enigma2/skin_default/bouquet.png False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True action -> OkCancelActions ok False False False False False False False False False False False False action -> OkCancelActions ok not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) playing 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:1:12C6:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:1:12C6:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok DEMUX_STOP - video - ok VIDEO_STOP - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok start release channel timer not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) new service started! trying to download cuts! download failed, no cuesheet interface RemovePopup, id = ZapError use cached_channel stop release channel timer allocate Channel: res 0 [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: ok ... now we start!! RemovePopup, id = ZapError not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) PATready use pmtpid 0412 for service_id 12ea False False False False [Dish] tuning failed eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 0 video stream(s), and 3 audio stream(s) (0089, 008a, 008b), and the pcr pid is 0089, and the text pid is ffffffff allocate demux decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=137 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x89) - pcr - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x89) - audio - ok AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - ok AUDIO_PLAY - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok showSinglePic /usr/local/share/enigma2/./radio.mvi video: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: Invalid argument disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und) FE_GET_PROPERTY failed (Invalid argument) [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 50 50 (raw) Setvolume: 32 32 (-1db) setValue 50 action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 45 45 (raw) Setvolume: 35 35 (-1db) setValue 45 action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 40 40 (raw) Setvolume: 38 38 (-1db) setValue 40 action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 35 35 (raw) Setvolume: 41 41 (-1db) setValue 35 action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 30 30 (raw) Setvolume: 45 45 (-1db) setValue 30 action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 25 25 (raw) Setvolume: 48 48 (-1db) setValue 25 action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 20 20 (raw) Setvolume: 51 51 (-1db) setValue 20 action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 15 15 (raw) Setvolume: 54 54 (-1db) setValue 15 action -> GlobalActions volumeDown Setvolume: 10 10 (raw) Setvolume: 57 57 (-1db) setValue 10 action -> GlobalActions volumeUp Setvolume: 15 15 (raw) Setvolume: 54 54 (-1db) setValue 15 action -> GlobalActions volumeUp Setvolume: 20 20 (raw) Setvolume: 51 51 (-1db) setValue 20 action -> GlobalActions volumeUp Setvolume: 25 25 (raw) Setvolume: 48 48 (-1db) setValue 25 action -> GlobalActions volumeUp Setvolume: 30 30 (raw) Setvolume: 45 45 (-1db) setValue 30 no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared action -> GlobalActions power_long enter standby [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok start release channel timer [FanControl]: setting fan values (standby mode): fanid = 0, voltage = 0, pwm = 110 [DVBCAHandler] no more services release cached channel (timer timeout) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x1fcb4f0 [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x1fcb4f0 stop release channel timer close frontend 0 [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared action -> StandbyActions power leave standby playing 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [servicelist] search for service in userbouquets not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) new service started! trying to download cuts! download failed, no cuesheet interface RemovePopup, id = ZapError allocate channel.. 2e7c:013e opening frontend 0 main thread is non-idle! display spinner! (0)tune RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff prepare_sat System 0 Freq 10891000 Pol 0 SR 27501000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 130 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0 tuning to 1141 mhz OURSTATE: tuning allocate Channel: res 0 [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: allocate demux [FanControl]: setting fan values: fanid = 0, voltage = 0, pwm = 155 set sequence pos 3 set sequence pos 4 [sEC] setVoltage 2 [sEC] sleep 200ms [sEC] invalidate current switch params [sEC] sendDiseqc: e00000(DiSEqC reset) [sEC] sleep 50ms [sEC] sendDiseqc: e00003(DiSEqC peripherial power on) [sEC] sleep 150ms [sEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f2(?) [sEC] sleep 50ms set sequence pos 3 set sequence pos 3 [sEC] update current switch params [sEC] startTuneTimeout 5000 [sEC] setFrontend 1 setting frontend 0 (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1 [sEC] sleep 500ms (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2 OURSTATE: ok [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x1ca4be0 running [eEPGCache] channel 0x1ca4be0 running [EPGC] next update in 2 sec stop release channel timer ok ... now we start!! eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 0 video stream(s), and 1 audio stream(s) (0089), and the pcr pid is 0089, and the text pid is ffffffff allocate demux decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=137 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x89) - pcr - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x89) - audio - ok AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - ok AUDIO_PLAY - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok showSinglePic /usr/local/share/enigma2/./radio.mvi video: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: Invalid argument disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und) FE_GET_PROPERTY failed (Invalid argument) [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: RemovePopup, id = ZapError PATready use pmtpid 0412 for service_id 12ea eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 0 video stream(s), and 3 audio stream(s) (0089, 008a, 008b), and the pcr pid is 0089, and the text pid is ffffffff decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=137 AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok showSinglePic /usr/local/share/enigma2/./radio.mvi video: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: Invalid argument [EPGC] start caching events(1411983663) FE_GET_PROPERTY failed (Invalid argument) [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice [Dish] tuning failed sdt update done! action -> GlobalActions volumeUp Setvolume: 35 35 (raw) Setvolume: 41 41 (-1db) setValue 35 [EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading [EPGC] abort non avail netmed schedule reading [EPGC] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading [EPGC] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading [EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading [EPGC] nownext finished(1411983673) no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser [EPGC] schedule finished(1411983761) [EPGC] stop caching events(1411983761) [EPGC] next update in 60 min action -> GlobalActions power_long enter standby [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok start release channel timer [FanControl]: setting fan values (standby mode): fanid = 0, voltage = 0, pwm = 110 [DVBCAHandler] no more services release cached channel (timer timeout) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x1ca4be0 [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x1ca4be0 stop release channel timer close frontend 0 [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] getRTC returned time=0. RTC problem? [ClearMem] fallback to default translation for Mem cleared action -> StandbyActions power leave standby playing 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) not pauseable. not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) new service started! trying to download cuts! download failed, no cuesheet interface RemovePopup, id = ZapError allocate channel.. 2e7c:013e opening frontend 0 (0)tune RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff prepare_sat System 0 Freq 10891000 Pol 0 SR 27501000 INV 2 FEC 3 orbpos 130 system 0 modulation 1 pilot 2, rolloff 0 tuning to 1141 mhz OURSTATE: tuning allocate Channel: res 0 [eDVBCIInterfaces] addPMTHandler 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: allocate demux [FanControl]: setting fan values: fanid = 0, voltage = 0, pwm = 155 set sequence pos 3 set sequence pos 4 [sEC] setVoltage 2 [sEC] sleep 200ms [sEC] invalidate current switch params [sEC] sendDiseqc: e00000(DiSEqC reset) [sEC] sleep 50ms [sEC] sendDiseqc: e00003(DiSEqC peripherial power on) [sEC] sleep 150ms [sEC] sendDiseqc: e01038f2(?) [sEC] sleep 50ms set sequence pos 3 set sequence pos 3 [sEC] update current switch params [sEC] startTuneTimeout 5000 [sEC] setFrontend 1 setting frontend 0 (0)fe event: status 0, inversion off, m_tuning 1 (0)fe event: status 1f, inversion off, m_tuning 2 OURSTATE: ok [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] channel 0x1d56c90 running [eEPGCache] channel 0x1d56c90 running [EPGC] next update in 2 sec stop release channel timer ok ... now we start!! eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 0 video stream(s), and 1 audio stream(s) (0089), and the pcr pid is 0089, and the text pid is ffffffff allocate demux decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=137 DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x89) - pcr - ok DMX_SET_PES_FILTER(0x89) - audio - ok AUDIO_SET_BYPASS(1) - ok AUDIO_PLAY - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok showSinglePic /usr/local/share/enigma2/./radio.mvi video: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: Invalid argument disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und) FE_GET_PROPERTY failed (Invalid argument) [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] add demux 0 to slot 0 service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: RemovePopup, id = ZapError [sEC] sleep 500ms PATready use pmtpid 0412 for service_id 12ea eventNewProgramInfo 0 0 have 0 video stream(s), and 3 audio stream(s) (0089, 008a, 008b), and the pcr pid is 0089, and the text pid is ffffffff decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=137 AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok showSinglePic /usr/local/share/enigma2/./radio.mvi video: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: Invalid argument FE_GET_PROPERTY failed (Invalid argument) [eDVBCIInterfaces] gotPMT [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice [Dish] tuning failed sdt update done! [EPGC] start caching events(1411997635) crc32 failed! is 1c66fff [EPGC] abort non avail schedule other reading [EPGC] abort non avail netmed schedule reading [EPGC] abort non avail netmed schedule other reading [EPGC] abort non avail FreeSat schedule_other reading [EPGC] abort non avail viasat reading [EPGC] nownext finished(1411997645) no ancillary data in audio stream... abort radiotext pes parser action -> InfobarActions toogleTvRadio sAudioPID 137 sVideoPID -1 radio->tv action -> ChannelSelectBaseActions keyRight action -> OkCancelActions cancel action -> InfobarChannelSelection keyRight not enough diskspace for timeshift! (less than 200MB) playing -1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 0 for service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: [eDVBCAService] free service 1:0:2:12EA:2E7C:13E:820000:0:0:0: decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok start release channel timer [servicelist] search for service in userbouquets main thread is non-idle! display spinner! [servicelist] service not found in any userbouquets Failed to start <enigma.eServiceReference; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'eServiceReference *' at 0x17076f8> > [DVBCAHandler] no more services release cached channel (timer timeout) [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] remove channel 0x1d56c90 [eEPGCache] remove channel 0x1d56c90 [EPGC] abort caching events !! stop release channel timer close frontend 0 action -> InfobarActions toogleTvRadio Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 46, in action File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 195, in toogleTvRadio AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'info' (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0x1676a6c>>,('InfobarActions', 'toogleTvRadio')) failed) getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??) getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addNetwork failed !! (Typo??) getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addWlan failed !! (Typo??) ]]> </enigma2crashlog> </crashlogs> </openpli> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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